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National Hot air balloon day

National Hot Air Balloon Day takes place Every year on June 5th to commemorate the first manned flight by the French brothers, Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier and Joseph-Michel Montgolfier On 4 June 1783, when they flew the balloon at Annonay in front of a group of dignitaries from the états particuliers. The flight covered 2 km (1.2 mi), lasted 10 minutes, and had an estimated altitude of 1,600–2,000 m (5,200–6,600 ft). 

The balloon itself consists of an envelope, which is used to contain the hot air, and a gondola, where passengers and a means of creating hot air are typically housed. The heated air inside the envelope has a lower density than that of the cold air outside, and this causes the balloon to rise. Hot Air Balloon Day is an annual celebration that marks the impact hot air balloons have had on travel and leisure.

The next air balloon flight occurred on the 19th of September in 1783. when the Montgolfier brothers developed a hot air balloon in France’s Annonay area. It was demonstrated to the public, making a flight that lasted for 10 minutes. After flights with animals and unmanned balloons had been experimented with, the first hot air balloon flight with humans on it occurred a month later, on the 15th of October, in 1783. Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier was the first person to take a hot air balloon flight. It only took a few weeks for hot air balloon rides to then become a possibility for human passengers. It was originally decreed by King Louis XVI that condemned criminals would be the original pilots for hot air balloons. However, Marquis François d’Arlandes and de Rozier were successful in their petition for the honor. In 1794, the first military use of hot air balloons occurred during the battle of Fleurus when a hot air balloon was used for observation purposes. 

Modern style hot air balloons were developed during the 1950s, with an onboard heat source, these, with a successful flight taking place a decade later, on the 22nd of October in 1960. Paul Edward Yost, an American inventor, was behind this invention. The flight that occurred in the 60s happened from Burning in Nebraska. The balloon flew for one hour and 35 minutes untethered, using the assistance of heat that was generated from a propane burner. Today, hot air balloons are mainly used for recreational purposes. In 2005, Vijaypat Singhania set the world altitude record for the highest flight on a hot air balloon reaching 69,850 feet. (21,289.2410m) The flight started in Mumbai, India, and Vijaypay landed south in Panchale. This beat the previous record that was set in 1988 by Swedish adventurer, pilot, and aeronautical engineer Per Lindstrand in Plano, Texas. However Per Lindstrand, sill holds the record for the longest flight in a hot air balloon, which he completed with Richard Branson. Both men flew from Japan to Northern Canada in a hot air balloon, which amounts to 4,767.10 miles. 

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