Hitman Anders and the Meaning of it all by Jonas Jonasson.

I would like to read Hitman Anders and the Meaning of it all, the madcap new novel from Jonas Jonasson the author of The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden. This is an entertaining and Farcical romp featuring Per Persson who works as a receptionist at a rundown hotel south of Stockholm, who is very bitter because his grandfather and father, were not able to grasp how newer technology would work against them, making the once rich family poor.

One of the residents staying in room seven at the hotel is A naive but violent chap named Johan Andersson, more commonly called Hitman Anders. However when Johanna Kjellander comes into the lives of these two things change. Johanna is a priest who doesn’t believe and is bitter as she was denigrated for being born female, and was expected to carry on the family trade of preaching. She is temporarily staying in room eight and is a priest without a vocation, who also recently lost her parish. However she does have two things at her disposal: an envelope containing five thousand kronor, and an excellent idea.

Per, Johan and Johanna decide to team up and start Fleecing people out of their cash to make money for themselves and It doesn’t really much matter who they pick upon, whether it is criminals or those of a religious persuasion. Along the way they make some friends and a lot of enemies who all want revenge. And they find themselves having to negotiate around pitfalls as they come up with new dodgy business ventures, and then the five thousand kronor goes missing…

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