Daylight by David Baldacci

Daylight is the gripping follow up to Long Road to Mercy and A Minute to Midnight featuring Special Agent Atlee Pine. Ever since she joined the FBI Special Agent Atlee Pine has been relentlessly searching for twin sister Mercy, who was abducted at the agecof six. She is still Hampered by the gaps in her memory caused by the life threatening injuries received during the attack and has struggled for many years to remember what happened on that fateful night

Having finally returned home to try to fill in some of the blanks, she gets her most promising breakthrough yet – the identity of her sister’s kidnapper and finds herself heading to New Jersey to follow up some promising leads relating to the newly discovered identity of the kidnapper.  As Atlee and her loyal friend and assistant, Carol Blum, race to track down the suspect, they run into Pine’s old friend and fellow agent and military investigator, John Puller, who is investigating the suspect’s family for another crime. she is shocked to discover that her case is linked through the kidnapper she has only just begun to hunt. 

Working Together to reveal  the truth about what happened to Mercy all those years ago, Pine and Puller find themselves pulling back layers of deceit, blackmail, lies and cover-ups that strike at the very heart of global democracy they realise the connection could strike at the heart of far more than either of them could begin to understand alone and the truth could shock Atlee Pine to her very core.

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