Posted in Science fiction, Television

Doctor Who -73 Yards

73 Yards is described as a creepy folksy horror all set against the background of fog, gloom, and terror in which The Doctor and Ruby arrive on the Welsh coast. Unfortunately Not long after arriving the Doctor trips upon a ritualistic circle of cotton, a tribute for a man known only as Mad Jack and suddenly disappears.  (There is some speculation that Mad Jack could be related to real life criminal Spring-Heeled Jack).

Ruby then discovers that she isn’t alone. In the distance, a mysterious white haired woman perpetually follows her from a distance of exactly 73 yards. Ruby then ventures, into a quaint local pub where she encounters a rude pint-pulling barmaid and superstitious village regulars who sit in fear of ancient occult legends coming to life. Now With no Doctor, Ruby decides to return back to her doting mum Carla (Michelle Greenidge) and dotty grandmother Cherry (Angela Wynter) in London, however unbeknownst to Ruby, the white-haired woman is still following her causing her Mum to run off screaming after encountering the woman with white hair. Even Kate Lethbridge Stewart contacts her concerning the Doctor’s disappearance but runs off screaming.

Ruby attempts to resume her life and gets a Job in television where she encounters a local politician for the Albion part named Roger Ap Gwilliam (Aneurin Barnard) who wins a local election in Cardiff meanwhile the mysterious woman with white hair is still following her….

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