Posted in Events, Television

“..It’s time to start the music…”

The late great Jim Henson would have celebrated his 75th Birthday on Saturday 24th September, had he not succumbed to the unpleasant effects of Streptococcus Pyrogenes on May 16th 1990.

He is best known as the creator of television programs like The Muppets, Sesame Street, Dinosaurs and Fraggle Rock, as well as his work on films like The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. He was also an Oscar Nominated film director, Emmy Award winning Television Producer and founder of The Jim Henson Company, The Jim Henson Foundation and Jim Henson’s Creature shop. He was posthumously awarded The Disney Legends Award and also recieved the Courage Concious Award from the Peace Abbey.

I reckon they should do a Swedish Chef cookbook, that would be hilarious


  • Use live ingredients
  • Let the ingredients run amok in the Kitchen
  • Chase the vegetables round the kitchen with a Blunderbus
  • Shoot at the vegetables
  • Let them escape into the theatre